The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: Song of the sho sho


Song of the sho sho


Lucy Lloyd !kun notebooks


Tamme and !nanni give the song of the sho sho. The sho sho is a dark bird with a red bill and throat. It is eaten by the !kun and found in their country and is also eaten by frogs. The song has not been translated.


1) See also Song of the ||ku and Song of the !kan ||ka ||karashe and The song of the Sauko and The song of the ||noruko djo-djo and The song of the mother of the little buck and The song of the ≠na≠n'arro and The song of the Ngogan-a (a little bird) and The song of the !ke tsa'ba (a bird) and The song of the ||gani (a bird) and The song of the !korro-ssin !ku (or Pit-making Bushmen) and A song of the |kam-ssin !ku (or Sun Bushmen) and The song of the !na !na'rishe (a bird), 2) This story is found in Book XI & XII-1


!nanni (XI), Tamme (XII)


October 1879


Poetry, Custom and daily life, Plants and animals


song (of the sho sho) , song (given by !nanni and Tamme) , song (of the !kun) , bird (song of the sho sho) , bird (the sho sho) , bird (found in !kun country) , sho sho (bird) , sho sho (description of) , sho sho (a !kun song about) , name (!kun, a bird called the sho sho)

Story Pages

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Image File: A2_1_109_09048.JPG

Book: BC_151_A2_1_109