The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: What !nanni's father told him (what to eat and avoid)


What !nanni's father told him (what to eat and avoid)


Lucy Lloyd !kun notebooks


!nanni's father (|umma-tchi-gua) told him what to eat and what to avoid. !nanni's father had been instructed by his father (Karu) in the same matters.


1) See also Food eaten by the !kun and Elephants (eating their hearts) and Food eaten by the !kun and Things eaten by the !kun and Animals eaten by the !kun, 2) This story is found in Book XI & XII-4


!nanni (XI), Tamme (XII)


18 –19 January 1880


History (personal), Custom and daily life


food (what !nanni's father told him to eat and avoid) , food (eaten by different groups of the !kun) , food (eaten and avoided by !nanni and Tamme's people) , food (plants and animals eaten by the !kun) , food (avoided by the !kun) , food (the eating of lion) , food (the eating of hyena) , food (and intoxication) , food (feared by !nanni) , food (teachings about) , plants (eaten and avoided by the !kun) , plants (names of) , animals (eaten and avoided by the !kun) , animals (eating hyena and lion) , animals (names of) , intoxication (and food eaten and avoided by !nanni and Tamme's people) , names (of plants and animals eaten and avoided by the !kun) , names (of !nanni's father) , names (of !nanni's paternal grandfather) , lion (eating of) , hyena (eating of) , !nanni (what his father told him to eat and avoid) , !nanni (the names of his father and paternal grandfather) , personal history (what !nanni's father told him to eat and avoid) , personal history (the names of his father and paternal grandfather)

Story Pages


Page Images

Image File: A2_1_112_09242.JPG

Book: BC_151_A2_1_112

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Book: BC_151_A2_1_112

Image File: A2_1_112_09244.JPG

Book: BC_151_A2_1_112