Story: The story of the Ratel (or Mellivora) and the Waterskilpad
The story of the Ratel (or Mellivora) and the Waterskilpad
The vicious Water–tortoise and the charitable Ratel (Mellivora), a fable related to Dia!kwãin, by his mother (L V.-5. 4265-4291). The Ratel comes upon the Waterskilpad (or Water Tortoise) who says that it is ill and needs its neck rubbed. The Ratel is eventually persuaded to stroke the Tortoise's neck folds and his hands and feet are trapped inside. This is why the Ratel's claws are long.
1) p.4264v: This story was told to Dia!kwain by his mother (≠kamme-an); the Waterskilpad is also known as the Great Waterskilpad or Great Tortoise, 2) See also The story of the Leopard Tortoise and A further explanation of the ratel (or Mellivora): why it is like a man, 3) This story is found in Book V-5
26 February 1875 (started)
Tortoise (Great) , Tortoise (or Great Water Tortoise) , Tortoise (the story of the Ratel and the Waterskilpad) , Tortoise (Waterskilpad) , Tortoise (is cunning) , Tortoise (its neck folds decay) , Tortoise (is vicious) , Tortoise (was formerly a man) , Tortoise (traps hands in its neck folds) , Tortoise (its actions) , Tortoise (deceives Ratel) , Tortoise (feigns illness) , Tortoise (its neck folds) , Tortoise (hands decay in its neck folds) , Ratel (Mellivora) , Ratel (the honey badger) , Ratel (the story of the Ratel and the Waterskilpad) , Ratel (is deceived by Great Tortoise) , Ratel (is foolish and does not understand) , Ratel (his story) , Ratel (his claws decay) , Ratel (accounting for appearance of the ratel) , Ratel (lies ill) , Ratel (is trapped by and stuck fast in Tortoise's neck folds) , Ratel (fights Tortoise) , fight (between the Ratel and the Waterskilpad) , illness (Great Tortoise feigns to deceive Ratel) , animals (why the ratel's claws are long) , animals (and the story of the Ratel and the Waterskilpad)
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